Websites & Videos
Websites & Videos
Autism Society Iowa
Decoding Dyslexia Iowa
National Alliance on Mental Illness Iowa
Understood (Dyslexia and ADHD help)
Crash Course
Crash Course
"Crash Course" is a series of videos that explain the history and basic information on certain topics. Below are a few of the videos from the Psychology series. These videos help explain topics, in a fairly simple way, for adults and young adults.
"Crash Course" is a series of videos that explain the history and basic information on certain topics. Below are a few of the videos from the Psychology series. These videos help explain topics, in a fairly simple way, for adults and young adults.
How to ADHD
How to ADHD
"How to ADHD" is a series of youtube videos about living with ADHD. They share tips, product reviews and information for people with ADHD and people who love people with ADHD.
"How to ADHD" is a series of youtube videos about living with ADHD. They share tips, product reviews and information for people with ADHD and people who love people with ADHD.
Websites Section Photo Credit: John Schnobrich via